True Roots - shifting the way we pursue health.

There are many factors of our lifestyle that contribute to a healthy pregnancy, labor, and postpartum experience, and one of them is chiropractic care. Some people scoff at the term, some swear by it, and others have never even heard of it. Personally, I’ve been seeing a chiropractor since I was a teenager and can testify to the vast number of benefits it has had in my life. So I was very excited to sit down with Dr. Paige Roth of True Roots Chiropractic a couple months ago and discuss the value of chiropractic care in relation to birth. She had so many interesting and inspiring things to say that I couldn’t keep her wealth of knowledge to myself. It was so wonderful connecting with a holistic-minded woman who has a passion to encourage healthy pregnancies, babies, and families. After the opening of her practice in May I stopped by to check it out, and it’s just as bright and refreshing as she is. Here’s a snippet of our conversation about chiropractic care. If you are interested in learning more or would like to make an appointment, check out her website here.


What is neurologically-based chiropractic care and why is it important?

Neurologically-based chiropractic care is a non-invasive, holistic and all-natural health care approach that looks at a person’s well-being in terms of the entire body rather than just the area where symptoms manifest. Your nervous system controls and coordinates all of the cells, tissues, and muscles in your body. It is centered in your spinal cord, and misalignments in the spine can affect the nervous system’s performance, greatly reducing your quality of life and potentially leading to health issues. Chiropractic works to actively correct these issues by conducting complete and thorough analysis and adjustments of the spine and to restore the incredible natural healing abilities of the human body. This is how true healing and optimal health are achieved, and why chiropractic care is essential for everyone! 

What made you want to become a chiropractor?

I have always had a desire to serve people, and once I was introduced to the chiropractic profession during a college job-shadowing experience, I knew I had found my calling. Chiropractic is all about assisting the body to heal and function at its highest level. When people can free themselves of their health burdens, they are able to live out their full life potential. In my opinion, there is no greater honor than helping people achieve their health goals and being a part of their health journey! 

What are common reasons people start chiropractic care?

Most people start chiropractic care due to some sort of pain or symptom that has caused their life to slow down. What people find being under chiropractic care is not only do they see improvements in their aches and pains, but as neurological stress is removed from the body, they begin to see improvements outside of pain that lead to a higher quality of life and a better functioning body.

How can chiropractic care help in pregnancy and labor?

Chiropractic care starting in preconception, throughout pregnancy, and continuing into postpartum is an essential tool for mothers. The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic analysis used to balance the pelvis, restore proper spinal alignment, and most importantly ensure the nervous system is clear and connected. Gone unaddressed, this may contribute to difficult labor for mothers (i.e. dystocia) as well as discomfort during pregnancy. Many women don’t realize that there are options to correct several issues that can arise during pregnancy. At True Roots Chiropractic, our aim is to make the pregnancy journey as enjoyable and honoring for moms! 

What are some common misconceptions about chiropractic care? 

I would say the biggest misconception I hear when it comes to chiropractic is that a lot of people think one adjustment is going to fix issues that have been building up for years. I like to use the braces analogy. If dentist only put braces on for one day, what kind of results would you get? Same goes for chiropractic! For true correction and healing to take place it takes time and repetition. There are plenty of other options that will give you temporary relief, but chiropractic is designed to get to the root cause of underlying issues so that you can experience long term health. 

Another misconception I commonly hear is “once you go to a chiropractor, you have to go for life.” I tell people there is no one under care in our office that is being forced to come. What people do choose to do is make regular chiropractic care a lifestyle choice for themselves and their families because of the positive impacts it has on their overall health. They find themselves never wanting to go back to how they felt before, and realize it is much easier to maintain their health than to regain it. Our goal is to get you and keep you well for as long as possible!   

What makes you passionate about what you do?

My passion for chiropractic stems from knowing we live in a world with people that are sick and suffering and looking for answers. I have conversations with people on a daily basis that say things like “I was told this was something I was just going to have to live with for the rest of my life” or “there is nothing anyone can do to help me, masking my pain is my only option” and fall into the belief that living with pain and suffering is their only answer. This is why I am so passionate about educating our community on the possibilities of their health and bringing hope and healing to as many people as possible. If there is one promise we hold firm at True Roots, it is that we will never underestimate the ability of your body to heal! 


How is chiropractic care beneficial to children?

We have a saying in our office that healthy kids become healthy adults. It is safe to say children undergo stress on their bodies on a regular basis. This can range from the birthing process itself, to hundreds of falls and accidents, postural challenges, and technology use coupled with emotional and chemical stressors to name just a few. These stressors can add up and lead to neurological and structural distress. This can lead to colic, infantile reflux, and constipation in newborns and later in life can lead to lowered immune system function, ear infections, digestive issues, ADD/ADHD, and countless others. Chiropractic care is a safe and natural approach that works to gently and specifically remove neurological stress and improve structure to help children thrive and express the best versions of themselves. 



2301 Ingersoll Avenue, Suite 200
Des Moines, IA 50312


phone: 515.612.7701
